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Part-Sourcing: Hacks You Need to Know

Hey Guys and Gals! GearHeadGirl here with the latest tips and tricks for sourcing vehicle parts.

OE Parts

First, start with the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) part number. If you are having trouble finding the part number, call your local dealership. Once you have your part number, feel free to start scouring online. Having one part number will save time compared to retyping in vehicle info into countless sites and still remaining unsure if you are getting the right part. If you are looking for stock oe replacement and don’t mind used, junkyards are a great place to start. For new, house brand (the part store brand) and reman (used but re-manufactured) parts, call your local auto parts store and give them the OEM part number. These parts should come with a warranty and often offer a partial core refund for parts such as alternators, power steering pumps, etc. If you are stuck in a situation where you need something that may or may not fit correctly but will do well enough to get you home in a pinch, start checking your local Craigslist or try a Facebook Marketplace search.

Aftermarket Parts

The aftermarket world can be a wonderful thing, but you get what you pay for. If I am going for suspension or engine upgrades, I recommend going directly to the aftermarket manufacturer and getting the part number for the product(s) you are interested in. Google the part number to find local distributors or check the manufacturer’s site for recommended distributors. I recommend avoiding cheap Ebay knockoffs and anything you cannot find reputable manufacturer info for. That color matched $50 chain on Ebay might look nice, but can you really trust it when you’re pushing your bike to the limit on track?

Wheels & Tires

For autos, I primarily use TireRack. For motos, checkout Rocky Mountain ATV. Even if you do not choose to purchase off these sites, it is a good idea to check for pricing and see if your local store will price match.




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